Saturday, May 12, 2012

When you ask yourself the same question again and again...

I've been feeling a bit out of sorts the past week. My husband decided to rip up our deck so my backyard is off limits just as my flowers start blooming. My two big dogs are driving me crazy because they can't go spend hours outside when the weather is beautiful. And of course, my house looks like a bomb went off because as soon as I clean it up, someone comes along behind me and makes a mess. So my studio time this week has been spent doing intuitive painting, hoping to get myself feeling right again. What came out looks very similar to other pieces I've done...

That bird in combination with the hands has come up a few times now. I think I better figure out what it means.


  1. Very interesting artwork, I wonder what it does symbolize. I think of blackbirds as very smart. I sense when one looks at me it is really seeing through all my layers, not sure why this happens but it just does:)

  2. Interesting work. Yes, you need to figure out what it means.
