Here's the three finished paintings lined up together. I definitely get the idea of movement and flight... but that might just be wishful thinking....
"Birds Flying High | 3", 5x5" Mixed Media on Paper. I posted this one mid-week on social media... I was so happy to actually get it finished I couldn't wait to share. |
I've been working a bit here and there this week, expanding on the idea of flight and motion. I knew eventually I wanted to work birds into a series of some sort, but until now I've been at a loss as to how. I think the idea of portraying movement is something I can work with... and even expand to include more than just birds. But at the moment I shall limit myself to the idea of flight and flying, and see where I go with it.
I managed to finish up the remaining two small pieces I started last week, and started something else a bit larger. I've preped a few sheets of paper so I can continue on when I have a couple hours to work, and a 30x30" canvas is all set to start a large piece in the same vein. I'm not sure I'm ready to actually start yet... I've been working in blues and greys but I think I will need to add some hits of bright colour to really get across the feeling of summer days. I suppose that's what studies are for... figuring out how to get yourself from idea to image and be somewhat satisfied with the result.
"Birds Flying High | 2", 5x5" Mixed Media on Paper
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