I have a nephew who lives on the other side of the country. They moved a lot when he was young (military family), so I don't really know him all that well. Just the same, I suspect we are somewhat alike. He's very creative. He likes art, music and cooking. He gets attached to his animals. Recently, my sister (his mother) tells me he has discovered jazz. Not just jazz in general, but the early stuff. The stuff I've been completely submerged in for the last couple years. I've been meaning to send him something in the mail for some time now, but never really knew what. This week I picked up a copy of a documentary on the history of swing, and figured I'd make a nice little package to send it in. That way I can get in my own playtime, and still cross something off my to-do list. This makes me happy.
This is the front of the package before I addressed it. It's all acrylic. I painted in the block of white in at the end, figuring I'd need a place to put the address that can actually be read. |
Figured I might as well paint the back too. Why not, right? |
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