Saturday, October 6, 2012

Escaping: A Group Show at the AGL

My painting made the paper!
The show that I have been working towards for the last couple months has finally opened at the Art Gallery of Lambeth. When I dropped off all my work a couple weeks ago, I have to admit I was just a tiny bit concerned... they were doing renovations and the place was a disaster zone. I shouldn't have worried. They managed to get it all pulled together in time and the place looked fantastic.

I like what they've done there. They opened up the entire back section to make room for some new, bigger classes, and they've put in a counter so the desk, computer and big sinks are partially hidden from view. This will double as a bar during openings and private viewings, when they will be serving food and wine.

I think the evening was pretty successful, even though it was held on the Friday of the Thanksgiving long weekend. They maybe would have had a better turnout if it was next weekend, but there were still a fair number of art lovers who showed up to see the new works. And some of the new work is really beautiful. If I could afford it (and if I had the wall space), there were a few things I would have loved to bring home with me.

The wall with my paintings. You can see my two little bird paintings on the side wall.
There was a real photographer there so I'm hoping he got some better shots...
these don't look great, but you get the idea.
The long wall filled with all new work
Enjoying the ambience
A musician adds to the atmosphere


  1. They look great, Marianne. Congratulations on the press too!

  2. Brava! Congratulations again! Your collection of paintings is fabulous.
